During the holidays you spend so much time thinking about the best gifts for everyone on your list, but it’s easy to forget one special person: You! ❤️
Our wonderful patients are always on the top of our mind, and we know how easy it is to lose sight of yourself during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
That’s why our aesthetic treatment specialists at TLJ Aesthetics MD put together a list of our favorite non surgical body treatments as a reminder to pamper yourself and start the new year refreshed from head to toe!
Before deciding what kind of body treatments in Issaquah are right for you, it’s crucial to understand each treatment and its effect on your personal body.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to medical spa treatments is not choosing the right aesthetic center. There’s much more that goes into finding the right treatment center than on pricing alone. It’s vital that you find the right match for both your budget AND your needs.
Here are a few questions you should ask your aesthetic doctor before scheduling a non surgical body treatment in Issaquah.
What background and qualifications do you have?
You should always check your aesthetic doctor’s qualifications, education, training, and specializations before scheduling your first appointment. That’s because when it comes to body treatments, experience and expertise truly make all the difference.
For those with less of that experience, patient safety can be a topmost concern. Certain aesthetic lasers, peels, and other treatments have “contraindications,” or aspects of a treatment that would render it ineffective or unsafe for people with specific attributes or conditions. For an inexperienced provider or someone without a medical background, they may not be able to adequately identify these contraindications to safely and effectively treat your body.
At TLJ, our treatments are provided directly by an experienced medical provider (one that diagnoses, treats, and prescribes for medical and cosmetic concerns), an extra measure taken to ensure you are in the most qualified hands.
Dr. Terry Jacobson, the founder of TLJ Aesthetics MD, actually offers internal medicine services for our members. The connection between your outer beauty and the desire to be your healthiest self is one of our founding principles.
What types of technologies do you employ?
Not all treatments are created equal. There are low-, medium-, and high-quality devices that all claim to achieve similar results; however, going to an aesthetic doctor means you should trust that they are using only the safest and most effective methods for achieving your goals.
For example, there are a variety of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technologies on the market. At TLJ, we utilize the Forever Young BBL device by Sciton, a world leader in aesthetic technology. The proprietary technology used within the BBL Photofacial handpiece allows for safe, even, and effective treatments with more precision and better results. What’s more, BBL Forever Bare is the newest addition to our BBL tool box to achieve fast, effective, and comfortable hair removal that lasts.
Do you offer ways for me to afford treatment?
Because the majority of aesthetic treatments are not covered by insurance, it’s important that your aesthetic doctor offer transparent pricing options so you understand what to expect to pay in advance. Many also offer reward programs to help you earn discounts on the treatments you were already planning to get.
At TLJ, we also offer the Beauty Secrets Rewards Program, a customizable membership plan that features tons of perks, including savings on many of our most popular non surgical body treatments in Issaquah.
Constant shaving and waxing is a struggle that no one wants. With laser hair removal, we can give you relief from that daily hassle
Laser hair removal can treat almost every area of your body. Our patients mostly treat their face, underarms, arms, bikinis, chest, shoulders, and back. And with our most recently added Bare HR laser, most treatments, even for large areas like the back, can be accomplished in just a few moments. That is thanks to Sciton’s fastest hair removal technology available on the market today. Bare HR is safe to treat skin of all ethnicities, not just fair skin.
By starting laser hair removal in the wintertime, you ensure you have enough time to come back for the sessions you need to be hair free by spring!
Looking to get rid of unsightly spider veins? Sclerotherapy is a great way to permanently remove those pesky spider veins and even larger reticular veins, without the need for surgery or downtime!
What causes spider veins?
Spider veins show up predominantly on the face and legs. These branching discolorations happen when the vein valves stop working correctly, which stops the blood in your veins from flowing properly.
Why receive sclerotherapy in the winter?
Winter is the perfect time for sclerotherapy for many reasons. Sun exposure after sclerotherapy can cause hyperpigmentation, resulting in brown spots on your skin. You’ll likely dress in layers during cold Issaquah winters, so your skin won’t be exposed directly to the sun.
If you get this non surgical body treatment in Issaquah during the winter, you’ll likely be ready to show off your unblemished legs by summer! Sclerotherapy is effective, but it also takes time for your body to absorb the vein back under your skin. So getting your treatment in the winter ensures that vein is reabsorbed whenever you’re ready to absorb some sun rays ☀️
Spider vein treatments
To further enhance our sclerotherapy procedures, we’re introducing the Sciton ClearV laser. ClearV is an excellent choice for treating vascular issues like spider veins, vascular lesions, and skin discoloration.
The ClearV laser is specifically designed to target veins or vein clusters for maximum results. It delivers lasting results that can be seen even after your first treatment. And, even better, since this is a non surgical body treatment, there’s no downtime and patients can return to their daily routine after treatment!
We often hear complaints from patients about sagging or laxity of the skin. That’s why we offer a variety of treatments for making your skin taught and smooth again!
Winter is ideal for skin tightening treatments, too. Most non surgical body treatments in Issaquah require some downtime indoors away from the sun, and it’s easier to avoid the sunshine during those cold Washington winter days!
HALO Laser
Originally designed as a wrinkle treatment, the HALO laser is one of the most effective non surgical body treatments in Issaquah for skin tightening.
Halo uses a combination of ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to both remove the top layer of skin AND gently stimulate new collagen production beneath the surface of the skin, respectively.
This process significantly reduces fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture, and laxity. In 1 to 3 treatments, you should notice clearer, brighter, healthier, and, yes, firmer skin!
SkinTyte is another BBL treatment that uses BroadBand Light to smooth and restore skin in multiple areas of the body. SkinTyte uses specific filters of BBL to coagulate soft tissue beneath the skin’s surface. This has an anti-aging effect that actually reaches a cellular level.
SkinTyte is especially helpful for the chin and neck, where excess skin tends to reside. It can also firm up the skin along the jaw to treat and prevent further sagging.
This non surgical body treatment in Issaquah is relatively painless; it feels like a warming sensation around the treatment area. That means no downtime after your appointment.
Most times, we recommend an initial series of 5 SkinTyte treatments to achieve the best results. However, you may need more or less depending on the severity of the sagging or laxity of your skin.
Sometimes your skin can appear lower than it should be in certain areas, like the chin and jaw, because of enlarged fat cells. Through body contouring treatments, we can reduce this fat and get rid of those stubborn areas that won’t go away even after weight loss and exercise.
Getting body contouring treatment during the winter means your results should be noticeable by the time swimsuit season comes around. It’s also a great way to follow through on your New Year’s resolution of achieving your healthiest self!
Kybella is an injectable, non surgical body treatment that permanently improves fatty areas of the face and neck, including double chins and jowls. It’s the only FDA-approved injectable to remove the fat cells beneath the chin to prevent the storing of fat in this area.
Kybella’s active ingredient mimics deoxycholic acid, a substance found naturally within the body which helps break down fat and flush it out as waste. We typically perform Kybella over a series of multiple appointments consisting of between 20 to 30 microinjections each.
Once we remove these fat cells, we can better understand how to treat the skin in this area to help it appear as smooth and tight as possible.
If you’re worried about blemishes, vascularity, or just a loss of glow in your skin, we perform many non surgical body treatments that revitalize your skin and return your youthful glow!
Returning your skin to its former glory during the winter is typically ideal, because it means you can more easily stay inside and away from the sun for the first few days after treatment. During the shorter and colder days, you can receive your non surgical body treatment in Issaquah and dream of showing your great skin off when the warmer weather returns in the spring.
Being both non-invasive and non-ablative, ClearSilk is safe for all skin tones and types. It works by evoking your body’s natural process through the use of heat to clear pigment and reduce vascularity.
It targets chromophores, the area in a molecule that dictates pigmentation by absorbing visible light, and uses the heating process to energize the electrons stored within. This triggers your body’s natural response to high temperatures, which is to begin clearing pigment and reducing vascularity as it prepares for higher levels of visible light.
This process also tightens the skin, evens skin texture, and leaves skin tissue looking younger and more vibrant!
ForeverClear BBL
Acne isn’t just a problem for teens, plenty of adults deal with those pesky pimples too! Forever Clear BBL is a powerful tool that gets those blemishes under control without the need for medicine that’s harsh on your skin.
Forever Clear uses powerful BroadBand Light in combination with Infra-Red light to battle acne and clear your skin! As a non surgical body treatment, Forever Clear can be used on the face, neck, chest, and back, and it requires no downtime.
Treatments last from 30 to 45 minutes, and we recommend six treatments spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart, then quarterly treatments to maintain your ideal results.
If you have any further questions about any of the non surgical body treatments we provide, TLJ Aesthetics MD is here to help.
The team at TLJ prides itself on providing excellent patient care and the highest quality aesthetic technology in the region. Whether you’re new to aesthetics or simply looking for a new provider, we welcome people of all ages to our practice to discover the TLJ difference.
Early on, Dr. Jacobson saw the connection between looking good and feeling good—between outer beauty and the desire to be your healthiest self. Dermatologic care and Aesthetics became a prominent part of her practice early in her career. She observed that when her patients were making efforts in improving their skin and aesthetic beauty, healthy lifestyle choices seemed to follow.
If you’re ready to get started, request an appointment online or give us a call at (425) 837-8842 or text 425-651-6799.
Not quite there? Learn more about which treatments may work best to address your specific concerns with our virtual consultation tool. Simply select your target areas, and our tool will provide you with custom treatment recommendations!
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